Stirring Spirits

Timqet, the Ethiopian Orthodox celebration of Epiphany, was celebrated with much fervor in Addis Abeba on Thursday. Celebrations started on the eve of the ceremony with horns sounding off and crowds gathering. The festival is celebrated to commemorate the ritual of the baptism of Christ in the Jordan River. It is a colourful parade that attracts many tourists to the capital at this time of the year. At the ceremony the priest solemnly carries the Tabot which is a model of the Ark of the Covenant wrapped in silk cloth to the nearby stream or pool of water. The Holy Ark is then immersed in the water by a priest whilst the other priests recite prayers. The water is then blessed and considered holy and sprinkled on the followers of the faith. Thereafter the Holy Ark is carried back to its home church with devotees following behind and chanting hymns. The streets of Addis were blocked off for the festival, and many areas were adorned with green, yellow, red banners. Red carpets were rolled out for the Tabot with many volunteers working hard to make the ceremony a success. Pictured, residents of Lideta area are escorting their church’s Tabot to the original place with singing, spiritual songs, and drumming.







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