East African Aviation to Start Air Ambulance Services

East African Aviation, a subsidiary of MTDN Plc, has received a state-of-the-art aircraft, King Air 350, to provide general aircraft services in Ethiopia, including passenger flights and medical evacuation (medevac), Captain Mulat Lemlemayehu, managing director of the firm told Fortune.

The company recently acquired a 2015 model King Air 350 aircraft, which can transport passengers including two patients at 35,000ft, travelling at a speed of 480km/hr, Captain Mulat noted.

“There is a huge demand for general aviation services in Ethiopia, as it is the political capital of Africa with the African Union headquartered here, and as the seat of various international institutions including UNECA,” said Goiteom Abebe, director of Security and Facilitation Directorate at the Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority.

The company’s newly acquired aircraft can land and takeoff on long-range gravel runways, explained Captain Mulat, and has the flexibility to alter its interior from a regular passenger sitter to a medevac setting in less than 45 minutes. He hopes once the Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority (ECAA) approves their Air Transport Operation (ATO) Certification, they will provide medevac services to destinations as far Kenya, Dubai, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.






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