Zone Collects 81m Br Revenue
Close to 81 million Br in revenues has been collected in Gedeo Zone, of the Southern Regional State. The report was for the last nine months of the current fiscal year. The revenue was collected from six Woredas and two Urban Administrations in the Zone. The amount exceeded the earnings from the same period of last year by over 2.5 millionBr.The revenue was collected from direct and indirect taxes as well as municipality services.
Publication: The Ethiopian Herald, Wednesday, April 24, 2013.
Region Collects 145m Br Revenue
A little more than 145 million Br has been collected from different income titles in Bale Zone of Oromia Regional State. The amount recorded during the last nine months of the current fiscal year exceeded by 27 million Birr that of same period in the previous year. The revenues were collected from regular municipality services.
Publication: The Ethiopian Herald, Tuesday, April 23, 2013.
Institute Expanding Biofertilizer Technology
The Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) said it is expanding biofertilizer technology in the country. The new technology would more than double increase pulse production, according to Tolossa Debele, Soil and Water Research Directorate director. Moreover, it will also contribute significantly towards maintaining soil fertility and natural resources; he also added that it will in the long run replace the use of Urea fertilizers. The new technology, implemented at a pilot level in East Arsi andNorth Shoaincreased bean and soyabean productivity to 35ql a hectare on average from 15ql in the past.
Publication: The Ethiopian Herald, Wednesday, April 24, 2013.
Farmers Preparing Compost
Close to 142,000 farmers in West Shoa Zone of theOromiaRegionalStateare preparing 2.8 million cubic meters of compost. The small farmers entered into compost production to develop the 14,355hct land that they hold between them. The compost will help the farmers save 16.3 million Br, which could be spent on purchasing artificial fertilizers. Close to 516,000 cubic meters of the stated amount of compost is already utilized to develop 4,128ha of land.
Publication: The Ethiopian Herald, Tuesday, April 23, 2013.
Safe Water Project Construction Well Underway
Construction of a safe water project in launched in Durame Town, Kembata Tembaro Zone of the South Regional State at a cost of 30 million Br is progressing, the zonal Water, Mines and Energy Department said. The project includes the digging of four water wells and the installation of water pipelines, according to Lulamo Sulamo, department head. Lulamo said 20 million Br of the sum has been secured by loans from the Italian government. The reminder of the balance is being covered by the Regional Government, zonal and urban administrations as well as the public. The project will benefit 40,000 residents of the town.
Publication: The Ethiopian Herald, Monday, April 22, 2013.
Duna Dole Water Project Benefits Rural Kebeles
A rural water supply project in West Arsi Zone of Guna Dole site was inaugurated on Sunday, April 14, 2013. The project was executed at a cost of 80 million Br and is expected to benefit 150,000 people in 24 rural Kebeles. 75pc of the total cost was provided by the European Union.
Publication: The Ethiopian Herald, Wednesday, April 24, 2013.
ERA to Construct Roads Linking Expressway with Addis Abeba
Preparations are underway to construct two roads linking the Addis Abeba-Adama Expressway withAddisAbebaCityinto two directions, according to the Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA). The 28.1Km road will be constructed at a cost of 4.2 billion Br allocated by the government ofEthiopiaand loan obtained from Chinese Exim Bank, according to Samson Wondimu, ERA Communication Directorate director. The roads, to be constructed by a Chinese Communications Construction Corporation (CCCC) are expected to be finalized within two years and nine months, according to the Director.
Publication: The Ethiopian Herald, Wednesday, April 24, 2013.
ERA Upgrades, Renovates, Upgrades9,800Km Road
The Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) has upgraded 9,800Km of roads during the last nine months of at a cost of 16.3 millionBr.That is 93pc of the total targets set for the current fiscal year. The goal was to renovate and upgrade 10,624Km roads. Close to 1,363Km of the stated roads were upgraded while the remaining were renovated.
Publication: The Ethiopian Herald, Wednesday, April 24, 2013.
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