Billion Birr Condominium Road Contracts Awarded

The Addis Abeba City Roads Authority (AACRA) awarded seven contracts to five contractors for a cumulative 1.06 billion Br for 20kms of asphalt roads. The agreements were signed on Thursday June 26, 2014 between Fekade Haile (Eng), head of the AACRA, and representatives of the construction companies, at the AACRA’s headquarters.

All off the projects are financed by Addis Abeba City Adminstration.

Yemane Girmay General Contractor will handle two roads for a total of 267 million Br, under the supervision of the RDDC Consulting Firm. This is for a 30m wide and 4.1km long road from Ayat Square to Ayat Goro junction. They will be supervised by the Best Consulting Firm on a 50m wide and 1.9km long road from CMC square to Karalo junction. The contractor will be paid 160.9 million Br and 106.2 million Br, respectively, for the two roads.

CRBC Addis Engineering Plc will also handle two asphalt roads, for which it will be paid 320 million Br. It will get 90.8 million Br for a 30m wide 2.44km long road from Akaki main road to Tulu Dimtu Condominium; the Classic Consulting firm will supervise the construction. CRBC’s second contract, worth 229.2 million Br, is for a 4.2km road, 30-50m wide, inside the Bole Arabssa Condominium; RDDC will be the supervisor.

Macro General Contractor has been awarded a 260.7 million Br contract for a 50m wide 3.57km long road from the Bole Arabssa Junction to the Bole Arabssa Condominium, whilst Aser Construction Plc have been given a 110.8 million Br contract for a 1.94km road that is 25m wide from Sara Ampoule to Yeka Abado Condominium. The RDDC and Dana & His Friends Consulting firm will, respectively, supervise the two projects.

Melcon Construction Plc will undertake a 25m wide 1.9km long road inside the Yeka Abado Condominium site for 104.3 million Br, with the supervision of Dana & His Friends.

All selected contractors made the lowest offers in their categories. All will begin construction within 15 days of the agreement and complete the projects in eight to nine months, according to Fekade.

“We screened all the contractors that applied for these projects, and banned those that performed less than 80pc in ongoing projects,” he said.

Currently, Addis Abeba has a road coverage of 4,607Km, of which 2.257Km is asphalt, 831Km is cobblestone and 1,583Km gravel.  There are currently 146 road projects in the city for which 3.4 billion Br out of a total budget of 3.7 billion Br has already been spent.






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